
  The current mod_ssl uses X509_NAME_oneline to get a one-line ASCII
format of the DN. This however, is not compliant with the RFC -
checkout  http://www.openssl.org/support/faq.html#USER13.

Moreover, the man page for X509_NAME_oneline (with OpenSSL 0.9.7x)
says that the function is obsolete, and that we ought to use

The patch is pretty simple if we want to change mod_ssl to use the RFC
supported style. However, there are probably a lot of users who will
not be happy if we change it abruptly. Hence I propose that we add a
new SSL directive (SSLDNFormat or something like that) which allows
the user to configure the format he likes (default will be the non-RFC

The one catch with such a directive is if the customer is using
OpenSSL 0.9.6x - where X509_NAME_print_ex is not available - in which
case, the directive will be dummy.

Any comments.


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