I apologize in advance if I'm in the wrong place. I have searched through the documentation provided through httpd.apache.org and the 2.0 (doxygen) API. Plus many of the examples. I'm interested in implementing a module. I realize that this isn't the best place to ask, but the modules list bounced? I couldn't subscribe following the instructions at http://httpd.apache.org/lists.html for module development, as well as the fact that the modules archive's last post was in early 2005?

I have a module as a handler that works as expected. The handler needs to deal with POST data, which from my reading, means I need an input filter. Which is fine, I can see how to set that up as well. Where I get lost is, how does my handler get the POST data that I'd read using my input filter? I assume it has to do with the context structure that each module defines for itself. What I don't understand is where/how this structure gets passed around. How would I access that structure from my handler? If this is the wrong place to ask, and there is a better place other then the defunc modules list, I am more then willing to go there. Or if there is a document that explains this part of the Apache input path, that would be great. I even looked through the PHP source to see if I could figure it out. And though I can see that they have a function for reading post data, I don't see exactly how that gets back to the handler or back to the output stream handling...

Nathanael D. Noblet
Gnat Solutions
204 - 131 Gorge Road E
Victoria, BC V9A 1L1

T/F 250.385.4613


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