On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, Mathias Herberts wrote:

> Nick Kew wrote:
> > On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, Mathias Herberts wrote:
> >
> >
> >>The main reason why we are not migrating to 2 is related to bug 17877 I
> >>filed for Apache 1.3 last year.
> >
> >
> > Erm, you file a bug report for Apache 1 and treat it as a reason not to
> > upgrade to apache 2?  Should I Cc: this to Scott Adams?
> Well, put Scott in Cc if you want :-). I was using Apache 1 at the time
> I filed the bug and was not in the process of migrating. I fixed the bug
> and had our setup work without problem. The bug as I filed it is still
> open as the HTTP compliance of forwarding Chunked requests to origin
> servers still does not seem to be clear.

Well, mod_proxy in Apache 1.x doesn't claim to be HTTP/1.1, so there's no
reason it should be expected to support chunked encoding.  And since
Apache 1.x is a maintenance-only product not in active development,
that's not too likely to change - ever.

> > If you'd filed a bug for Apache 2, maybe it would have been fixed by
> > now.
> I started a thread back in june:
> http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/apache/dev/264479

Aha, I have no recollection of that.  The thing about list posts is
they're easy to overlook if the subject is not one of great concern at
the time.  And on June 3rd I was doing some urgent work as well as
rehearsing an opera production that was on stage the following week.

Bugzilla is different - it's a database.  I will of course search for
relevant bugs any time I'm contemplating any substantial update to a

Nick Kew

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