On Mon, Nov 22, 2004 at 10:06:02PM +0000, Matthieu Estrade wrote:
> Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> ><http://httpd.apache.org/dev/dist/>
> >
> >Grab the 2.1.1 tarballs while they're fresh.  Please start testing 
> >these releases - they should have the intent of becoming the beginning 
> >of the 2.2.x series modulo all of the cleanup work we'll have to do 
> >after we branch.  For now, 2.1.1 includes APR/APR-util 1.0.1 - we can 
> >adjust this later, if need be.
> >
> >2.1.1 is currently at alpha level - if we get enough +1s (i.e. 3 or 
> >more), it can then be promoted to beta.  -- justin
> >
> +1 for beta

One of the goals for releasing tar balls of the tree is to encourage
feedback from *outside* the ASF.  Before going beta, I suggest putting
out a call for feedback from large implementers and deployers.  I have
a feeling that many lurk on this list and their experiences with the
tarballs leading up to a release are very, very important.


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