On Mon, Nov 29, 2004 at 02:11:26PM -0500, Geoffrey Young wrote:
> but what's the alternative to reading directly from the file under the
> current, file-based design?

The system could do a container *if* the contents followed the
standard mechanism for defining directives. IOW, the central parser
would snarf in all the data for the container. The external module
could then process the contents as it chose.

The problem is that this doesn't mesh well with dynamic definitions of
directives, nor with non-"standard" syntax for the directives.

> or are you suggesting that nobody but core
> should be allowed to create <Foo> blocks?

That's exactly what I'm suggesting :-)

> surely mod_perl's <Perl>
> containers can't be the only one out there in the wild?

No idea. Possibly, but I haven't heard/seen any of them. And even so,
mod_perl is my favorite whipping boy, so it'll serve just fine as a
demo of the problem :-)


Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/

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