On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 15:52:05 +0200, Andreas Steinmetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did anybody notice that the ftp proxy seems to be broken?
> Any request returns 503 and the reason seems to be that
> ap_proxy_connect_backend is called with conn->addr=NULL
> from ap_proxy_ftp_handler.

I can't get it to work either.

There also seems to be a slight regression in ProxyPass support for
ftp.  The following directive is accepted by 2.0 but not by 2.1:

proxypass /ftp1 ftp://dummy:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

2.1 says invalid port at config parsing time.  

Unfortunately, 2.0 doesn't process it correctly at the time of the
request, because it tries to grab user and password from the wrong
parsed URI, but that seems easy enough to fix.

Somebody please call me a liar ("proxy ftp really does work in 2.1" or
"ProxyPass ftp really does work with password in 2.0").

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