* Dmitry Koteroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Perchild  MPM  allows  to  run  different  vhost  requests  under
> different user accounts. But:
no, it doesn't.
but metuxmpm does: 

> 1. It does not support Windows at all.
windows does not support passing sockets between processes. 
so without this, you can just use a proxy sitting in front of 
multiple severs.

> 2. It  does  not  support  child processes dynamic creation. For
>    example,  if  we  have  1000 vhosts under 1000 users, this MPM
>    tries  to  create 1000 apache children first. Of course, it is
>    very hard to do; creation on demand and killing after inactive
>    timeout is more preferably.
we're working on that.
contributions are always welcomed.

 Enrico Weigelt    ==   metux IT service

  phone:     +49 36207 519931         www:       http://www.metux.de/
  fax:       +49 36207 519932         email:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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