(The spirit of this answer applies to gcc as well)...

The easiest way is to change the arguments to Apache.exe (httpd)
to include the -X flag.  This means you are debugging the instance
that runs the request, and not the usual parent process which is
overseeing that child-worker processes exist.  Add the -X flag
to your desired -d <root directory> and -f <httpd.conf file path>

Remember that if you haven't copied the .pdb files to the install
tree, the child modules can't be debugged.  Use the Apache project
as the project to 'debug'.  (This is similar to gdb 'unstripped'

At 01:50 AM 12/30/2004, nian li wrote:
>Hi all,
>Don't know if I send the mail to correct mailing list. If not, please
>correct me.
>I want to know how to debug HTTP Server in Windows with VC6.0. Now I
>can open the Apache.dsw workspace, but there are a lot of subprojects.
>If I debug the Apache subproject, it seems the related configration
>files and dll files do not exist.
>Any feedback will be highly appreciated.

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