Bennett, Tony - CNF wrote:

Regarding LDAP, Apache is a client which must adhere to how
the LDAP server is configured, be that a secure port (ldaps://)
or via an unsecure connection (ldap://) that can be upgraded with
a StartTLS.  It appears, from the OpenLdap perspective, that
use of ldaps:// is depricated in favor of StartTLS over ldap://.

It seems it is possible for OpenLDAP to support both ldaps:// and ldap:// + STARTTLS, however this is done using ldap_set_option():

Both ldap:// + STARTTLS and ldaps:// are supported on both the Novell and OpenLDAP toolkits in APR-util v1.1 as of a few days ago. Microsoft SDK support should follow shortly.


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