Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
--On Wednesday, February 2, 2005 12:25 AM +1100 dean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My first thought was that Firefox has an issue. Then I installed 2.0.53
as a cache-proxy BUT I couldn't reproduce the above, Google logo loads
Another simple page I tried is news.com.au/wireless.
Steps 1 -3 are same
4. refresh page -> no css applied (liveheaders shows 200 OK), logo
appears broken (liveheaders show 206 Partial Response)
5. delete temp int. files in IE6
6. enter www.news.com.au/wireless in browser bar -> logo loads fine but
no css applied
7. hit refresh button -> page loads fine with css & logo
As before, I couldn't reproduce this with 2.0.53

Can you try reproduce this behaviour with 2.1.3 ??

My hunch is that you are being hit by mod_proxy brokenness not mod_cache issues. 2.0.53 uses the 'stable' mod_proxy, while 2.1.3 has a rewritten mod_proxy - which still has significant issues. For the most part, 2.0.53's mod_disk_cache (i.e. from SVN 2.0.x branch) is mostly equivalent to 2.1.3's mod_disk_cache. So, if it works with 2.0.53 from SVN and doesn't work with 2.1.3 from SVN, then I think mod_proxy is a more likely culprit.

I know that there were some fixes recently made to mod_proxy that might help. So, what revision of 2.1.3 are you trying?

I know that Mladen fixed some race conditions, and I know Sander and I have been making some recent commits in the last week to fix other brokenness. And, there's still stuff that we know just doesn't work: i.e. 'ProxyPass /foo/bar !'. So, I don't think I can recommend 2.1.3 for proxy functionality as it needs a lot more care and feeding before it is usable.

Thanks!  -- justin

Thanks for your comments. The only reason I blamed mod_[disk]_cache is because the strange behaviour started happening once I enabled it. Proxy without cache seems to be working fine.
Im not sure where to find out the revision, but I checked out the src from cvs just before my first post. I just did another update and nothing has changed. Hope Im using the right command:
cvs checkout -d httpd-2.1 httpd-2.0

I guess I'll have to wait for mod_proxy to mature bit more. Compliments to the developers, it works great with the new mod_filter which has some really cool potential

Thanks again

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