On Sun, 13 Feb 2005, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

> Dearest testing community;
> at http://httpd.apache.org/dev/dist/ you will find new Win32
> installers for the apache_2.0.53 release, and the new Win32
> source tarball (buildable from command line on VC5+ with
> nmake -f makefile.win).
> Please validate and report, before I push this out live.
> Mea Culpa this is running behind, we have both the svn change
> which I had to contend with, an incomplete apr-iconv release
> which had to be completed, and this is the *first* release
> of 2.0.x using the InstallShield X product (previous releases
> were created with InstallShield for Windows Installer.)
> As with most 'automatic conversions' not everything that is
> converted magically becomes magically correct.  Although it
> seems this installer is stable, wider testing is needed due
> to the changeover.
> Please cc: me in all replies to avoid moderation.  Thanks!
> Bill

For me, both the .msi installer and the build from the
sources (using VC++ 6) worked fine.

best regards,
randy kobes

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