On Sat, Mar 05, 2005 at 10:59:30PM -0600, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> Ok, as Justin and I are in significant disagreement ... to summarize;
> we (collectively) would like to see some mechanism for multiple
> configurations of the same 'provider' (defined above).  There are
> logically three places this can happen, so as a straw poll, would
> those interested in *coding* auth schemas please vote (end users,
> our choice will be transparent enough to you that we prefer the
> developers to indicate their preferences.)
> [ ] Implement in each provider (e.g. mod_authnz_ldap, mod_authn_file)
>     Different <AuthLdapConfig xxx> <AuthFileConfig zzz> sections
> [ ] Implement in each scheme (e.g. basic, digest)
>     Different <AuthBasicConfig xxx> <AuthDigestConfig zzz> sections
> [ ] Implement globally across schemes and providers
>     Single <AuthConfig xxx> directive, but as it's not in the scheme
>     which iterates the providers, control isn't as fine-grained.

These choices overlook Brad's suggestion, which I still think is the best:

  [ ] Implement across providers
      Single <AuthProviderAlias real-provider-name alias> directive.

This does not tie it into either the provider or the scheme and allows
the config and overhead of the merging to be contained to the provider'd

We could probably find a better name than AuthProviderAlias though.

My $.02.  -- justin

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