William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
jakarta-tomcat-dev reports Gump can't build, but since they
haven't given us details so not much we can do about it.

Fails to even build on Win32.

-1 for beta on 2.1.3.

I think we passed the 2.1.3 station already.

Onward to 14 ++1 to Sander's efforts to roll out 2.1.4 ... let's get it right (at least, let's have something that builds,
irrespective of it has the features folks want.)

So what is failing to build? 2.1.3? Or trunk? Only on win32, or on other platforms as well? Can you reproduce?

I've chided tomcat-dev to bother to report to us what their Gump
results are.  Would go a long ways to solving a problem we didn't
know exists.

It seems to build fine in the ASF wide Gump run on brutus:



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