Hi folks,

I have a problem getting the environment variables with apr_env_get in the request handler of my module.
What I need are HTTP_USER_AGENT and REMOTE_ADDRESS but I just don't get anything as a resullt in my char*.

Here's the code:
char* chUserAgent;*
if* (apr_env_get(&chUserAgent, "HTTP_USER_AGENT", r->pool) == APR_ENOENT) {
   ap_rputs( "chUserAgent: Kein Eintrag in APR!<br>\n", r );
*else* {
   ap_rprintf( r, "chUserAgent: %s<br>\n" , chUserAgent );

// I don't even get it using the getenv function:
char *chUserAgent2 = getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT"); ap_rprintf( r, "chUserAgent2 using the getenv() function: %s<br>\n", chUserAgent2 );

I must have been missing something but I don't know what.

Many thanks for every reply,
   yours Henri

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