On Mar 29, 2005, at 3:46 PM, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

At 04:56 PM 3/29/2005, Jim Jagielski wrote:
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
It's definately an mmn bump, major.

Other ones have not been (ap_auth_nonce). But looking things over, I see that unfortunately MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER_MINOR was NOT updated when ap_auth_nonce was added, so we may have some silent issues floating around out there....

Yup it needed a bump. But I have good news, and switch my vote to +0

Cool. :) So if we need to bump for ap_auth_nonce, then it shouldn't be a problem to get this in before that bump too, no?

(I still don't like rewrite interacting with encoded slashes)...

What's rewrite have to do with this? This is just a backport of a feature
that was added to 2.x, so that admins can turn off the %2F-denial
security feature, so I'm not following the rewrite mention...


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