Rici Lake wrote:

Just a query: I was looking at the code for mod_proxy.c and I wonder if the behaviour is really correct.

At line 632, it loops through the configured proxy hosts, trying proxy_run_scheme_handler on each one. If it receives any return code other than DECLINED or HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY, it accepts the result.

But then at line 656, having failed to find a proxy which will handle the request, it tries the request directly. In this case, it retries on any error return if max_attempts has not been reached. This would cause a retry, for example, on an authentication required status return, which seems odd.

In theory (if I understand it correctly) it wouldn't - because it would only try the direct connection on DECLINED or bad gateway - if authentication was denied, the result would be neither DECLINED nor bad gateway, and so the direct connection would never be tried in this case.


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