On Thu, 12 May 2005, Branko Ä^Libej wrote:

> William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
[ ... ]
> >Yes - I see Python 2.3 / Mod Perl 5.8 / Apache 2.0 / APR
> >0.9 / etc all in the same 'generation' of code.
> >
> >Do you want the ASF to be a leader of this 'breakage' as
> >the Python project was?  This is why the push back.
> >
> >And I hope for Python 2.4 / Apache 2.2 / APR 2.0 / etc to
> >all be of the next 'generation', finally adopting
> >msvcr70.  Seem rational?
> >
> >
> I can live with that.

That sounds great, but one consideration from the point of
view of Perl (eg, mod_perl) is that the dominant Win32 Perl
binary, from ActiveState, uses VC 6 to compile, and they
don't have any plans soon of changing that. But that might
change by the next generation.

best regards,
randy kobes

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