Sander Striker wrote:
> [...]


>> I am aware that this forces a full request to the backend for requests
>> without conditionals
>> to expired resources. So I am not very happy with this solution. Maybe
>> it is better to let
>> the default handler pass 304 responses down the filter chain.
> Might as well not do revalidation in that case; actually that would be
> better, because the
> 304's that are returned may not even be correct.  The conditions are
> replaced with the
> ones from the cache, remember?

Yes, I remember, but I must admit that I am slightly confused now. When should
we avoid revalidation with the conditionals from the cache?

If the original request does not contain any conditionals? This is what my 
patch does


> I can see the application.  Are you up for submitting a patch to the
> default handler? :)

I have attached a patch for this. Two comments:

1. I am not very familar with buckets and brigades, so please check closely if
   I did it correct (my tests make me think so). If I did something wrong 
   is appreciated such that I can do it better next time :-)
2. ap_meets_conditions returns 3 different values: OK, HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED 
   HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED. In my patch I assume that in all cases the response should
   go down the filter chain.



--- core.c.orig 2005-05-21 10:30:23.000000000 +0200
+++ core.c      2005-05-22 12:08:20.000000000 +0200
@@ -3492,46 +3492,48 @@ static int default_handler(request_rec *
         apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, "Accept-Ranges", "bytes");
         ap_set_content_length(r, r->finfo.size);
-        if ((errstatus = ap_meets_conditions(r)) != OK) {
-            apr_file_close(fd);
-            return errstatus;
-        }
-        if (bld_content_md5) {
-            apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, "Content-MD5",
-                           ap_md5digest(r->pool, fd));
-        }
         bb = apr_brigade_create(r->pool, c->bucket_alloc);
-        /* For platforms where the size of the file may be larger than
-         * that which can be stored in a single bucket (where the
-         * length field is an apr_size_t), split it into several
-         * buckets: */
-        if (sizeof(apr_off_t) > sizeof(apr_size_t) 
-            && r->finfo.size > AP_MAX_SENDFILE) {
-            apr_off_t fsize = r->finfo.size;
-            e = apr_bucket_file_create(fd, 0, AP_MAX_SENDFILE, r->pool,
-                                       c->bucket_alloc);
-            while (fsize > AP_MAX_SENDFILE) {
-                apr_bucket *ce;
-                apr_bucket_copy(e, &ce);
-                APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(bb, ce);
-                e->start += AP_MAX_SENDFILE;
-                fsize -= AP_MAX_SENDFILE;
+        if ((errstatus = ap_meets_conditions(r)) != OK) {
+            apr_file_close(fd);
+            r->status = errstatus;
+        } 
+        else {
+            if (bld_content_md5) {
+                apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, "Content-MD5",
+                               ap_md5digest(r->pool, fd));
+            }
+            /* For platforms where the size of the file may be larger than
+             * that which can be stored in a single bucket (where the
+             * length field is an apr_size_t), split it into several
+             * buckets: */
+            if (sizeof(apr_off_t) > sizeof(apr_size_t) 
+                && r->finfo.size > AP_MAX_SENDFILE) {
+                apr_off_t fsize = r->finfo.size;
+                e = apr_bucket_file_create(fd, 0, AP_MAX_SENDFILE, r->pool,
+                                           c->bucket_alloc);
+                while (fsize > AP_MAX_SENDFILE) {
+                    apr_bucket *ce;
+                    apr_bucket_copy(e, &ce);
+                    APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(bb, ce);
+                    e->start += AP_MAX_SENDFILE;
+                    fsize -= AP_MAX_SENDFILE;
+                }
+                e->length = (apr_size_t)fsize; /* Resize just the last bucket 
-            e->length = (apr_size_t)fsize; /* Resize just the last bucket */
-        }
-        else
-            e = apr_bucket_file_create(fd, 0, (apr_size_t)r->finfo.size,
-                                       r->pool, c->bucket_alloc);
+            else
+                e = apr_bucket_file_create(fd, 0, (apr_size_t)r->finfo.size,
+                                           r->pool, c->bucket_alloc);
-        if (d->enable_mmap == ENABLE_MMAP_OFF) {
-            (void)apr_bucket_file_enable_mmap(e, 0);
-        }
+            if (d->enable_mmap == ENABLE_MMAP_OFF) {
+                (void)apr_bucket_file_enable_mmap(e, 0);
+            }
-        APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(bb, e);
+            APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(bb, e);
+        }
         e = apr_bucket_eos_create(c->bucket_alloc);
         APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(bb, e);

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