Brian Akins wrote:
Bill Stoddard wrote:

If the event MPM is working properly, then a worker thread should not be blocking waiting for the next ka request. You still have the overhead of the tcp connection and some storage used by httpd to manage connection
events but both of those are small compared to a blocking thread.

Should there be an upper limit on how many connections to have in keepalive, even when using event? Say you have 100 worker threads, you wouldn't want to have 8192 keepalive connections. So you would want some limit.

Both approaches sound pragmatic (+.5) although I would like to think the best long term solution is to completely decouple TCP connections from worker threads.

I really like the event mpm, but I still think there has to be an upper limit on how many connections to allow to keepalive.

is an experiment in that direction but
it still has a long ways to go. Earliest I could see this happening is in the v 2.4 timeframe.

We've been doing some testing with the current 2.1 implementation, and it works, it just currently doesn't offer much advantage over worker for us. If num keepalives == maxclients, you can't accept anymore connections.
Interesting point; it's been a while since I looked at the event MPM but I thought (mistakenly) that maxclients accounting was adjusted to reflect max number of concurrently active worker threads rather than active tcp connections. I agree we need some kind of upper limit on the max number of TCP connections into a running instance of httpd, regardless of whether those connections are associated with a worker thread or not.


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