Sergio Leonardi wrote:
Hi all

I'm a newbie and I'd like to plan to add to mod_cache a directive like this
one, if possible.

What could be the correct procedure to do it? Am I sending the message to
the wrong place?

Hi Sergio.

It sounds like a great idea.

How do you plan on implementing such a beast?

Last Time i checked (a while ago) mod_mem_cache was process-based memory (not shared). So I'm just a bit unsure how a single request is going to flag to the other processes that it needs to clear a regex pattern,
or are you planning on implementing this just for disk-based cacheS?


CacheClear Directive

Clear the cache for the URI that matches the pattern

Syntax: <>
CacheClear uri-pattern

Default: <>
CacheClear /.*

 <> Context:


Status: <>

Module: <>

More detail will be added here, when the function is implemented.

CacheClear /daily_scripts/.*

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