On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 02:16:27AM -0700, Paul Querna wrote:
> IPv6, pretty sure it does.

Cool :)

> mod_cache is a no.  Not sure it could, at least in the current 
> incaration of mod_cache, since the actual caching of files is so tied to 
> HTTP Headers.

I've been looking at it over the last while, for hacking it into
mod_ftpd. Caching FTP transfers should definitely be possible, with
only a little bit of generalisation to mod_cache neccessary. 

What would be really useful for me though, and what I've been looking at
is having an interoperable cache, so that if someone downloads a file
using HTTP and it's in the cache, when an FTP request comes in for the
same file - it is served from the cache.

I realise it's crazy, but there's more information in the cache than FTP
actually needs, so it is possible. How ugly the solution might be is
another thing. 

And then, on top of this, I'd love for the ftp module to be able to
serve content from a proxy backend. So that I can run a decent reverse
proxy FTP server - but loadbalanced and using HTTP as the retrieval

It may only be useful to people like me who run mirror servers and have
to make a lot of content available over ftp and http, and need
scalability for that content delivery, but there's enough possible
benefit for me to justify some of my time trying to add those features

Colm MacCárthaigh                        Public Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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