Joe Schaefer wrote:
Maybe :-).  The internal behavior of the spool brigades is something
we need to work on from the httpd-side, since they have slightly
different needs.  I want to see our spool buckets become a bit
smarter: right now mod_apreq2 is creating multiple spool files
when it could (in principle) consolidate them into a single file.
The safest thing for you to do right now is to write copy the brigade
to a separate file.  You shouldn't peek inside the brigade to
look at the bucket types yet; ideally we'll provide another utility function to intelligently write the spool brigade to a file (here's my +1 for a patch to apreq_util.[ch] that adds an apreq_brigade_copy_to_file function).

I'm not sure I like the idea of spooling the files to a tmp file just to copy them to another tmp file, which will ultimately be copied to another file by the script writer. Imagine this cost with a 500Mb file.

My next idea is to create a hook to siphon off all the brigades for file params and write to the tmp files myself. This way, I'm using the libapreq api and not presuming what the internals do...

How's that sound?

Jeffrey Horner       Computer Systems Analyst         School of Medicine
615-322-8606         Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

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