Maxime Petazzoni wrote:.

As promised : a first try at XHTML mockup. Comments about DOM
structure and XHTML semantics are welcome !
On firefox/win32, the "box list" and "message lists" aren't vertically aligned correctly (at least for me.) Other than that, it's quite pretty. You could reduce the whitespace margins considerably, maybe even lose the box around the year/month listings on the side.

From a usability perspective, I like 'three-pane' sorts of interfaces, but I'm often infuriated by things that waste a lot of space so I can't read the actual message. The huge space allocated to the logo at the top could be reduced (that will probably be easy to template away, but if you set a bad example for people, they'll follow it -- also I get the feeling that the message list takes up space that I could use to read the message...

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