Sander Striker wrote:


>> Question to the mod_cache gurus:
>> While mod_mem_cache restores the status during recall_headers in
>> Apache 2.0.54
>> it seems that mod_mem_cache does not do this in Apache 2.1.x (Maybe
>> fixed meanwhile
>> my latest revision of mod_mem_cache.c is 178625 and viewcvs is
>> currently down), whereas
>> mod_disk_cache still does this in Apache 2.1.x in
>> file_cache_recall_mydata which is
>> called by open_entity. Is this behaviour intended?
> 2.0 is quite a bit behind when it comes to mod_cache.  mod_mem_cache has
> gotten
> a lot less attention in 2.1 as mod_disk_cache has.
> That said, in 2.1, I think we should restore status in mod_cache, not in
> the cache

Sorry for being confused. But maybe my question was not completely correct.
mod_disk_cache does not restore r->status directly but it restores the status
information to cache->handle->cache_obj->info.status. This gives mod_cache the
opportunity to restore r->status from this (as my patch does). The problem is
that mod_mem_cache does not seem to restore the status information at all from
its storage. This way mod_cache has no chance to restore it in this case.
I agree with you that mod_cache should set r->status with the information
restored by the provider to cache->handle->cache_obj->info.status.
mod_cache should take the final decision if it does that or not. This decision
should not be done by the providers.

> providers.  Ofcourse, if that isn't possible for whatever reason, the
> restoration
> has to be done in _all_ cache providers.  The above might explain the
> discrepancies...

But all cache providers have to store it in their storage and have to restore it
from there to the caching data structure. Maybe this is what you wanted to say?



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