Joe Schaefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Rian Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I think this requires some more thought considering different
>> smtp connections and server requirements. The main drawback to
>> sub- requesting each rcpt to is that we have two different
>> handlers trying to read data from the socket. Is this problem
>> solved by spooling the data, and letting the two separate
>> requests read from the spool bucket?
> Hmm, what would the smtp return status for DATA be,
> if only some of the RCPT_TO addresses are handled
> successfully?
> I've been assuming the http analog of "RCPT_TO: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
> was "POST: /foo\nHost: bar"  but I now think that's wrong
> from a resource identifier standpoint.

OTOH, maybe we should just return success in this case,
and only retry/bounce the failed subrequests later on.

Joe Schaefer

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