> Well, maybe I explained it bad, so I'll try again:

ok :)

> In 2.1, the AAA was totally restructured, to separate the algorithm
> (BASIC or DIGEST or whatever) from the storage (FILE or DBM or a
> database), and to open the full matrix of options to users.
> However, even if it was done in the server (which I didn't check),

it was.

> there
> is no way to use it,

please don't spread FUD like that.  of course you can use it, and I'm sure
many people have and will continue to do so.

> because the supporting programs have never fixed or
> changed to support it: Nothing was added to dbmmanage or to htdbm or to
> htpasswd to support different algorithms, or at least DIGEST. Moreover,
> the only program which still supports DIGEST - htdigest - does almost
> nothing - no DBM, no database support, and even the minimal features -
> such as non-interactive mode ("-b") so other programs or CGIs can call
> it - are not supported.

ok, I wasn't aware that the majority of people were using these tools
interactively to manage users like that.  at least not on a large scale.  at
least not those that really, really wanted to move to digest :)

but ok, if that's true then sure - we ought to support digest from these
tools... or come up with a better way.

so, to that end, to the rest of the developers here's my offer:

I'll write an htpasswd replacement that will

  - allow for management of users using Basic or Digest algorithms
  - allow for varying data stores
  - allow for varying user algorithms (mixing of Basic and Digest in the
same store, for example)
  - support (as best I can) existing options from existing support files
  - whatever else it ought to do

it will, of course, be in perl - if people are really just shell'ing out to
a binary from a CGI then there's no real reason it _needs_ to be in C.  at
least that I can see :)

anyway, that's the offer.  if others like it and can see integrating it then
I'll do it.  if not, I won't, and no harm done.


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