On 06/08/2005, at 12:02 AM, Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:

Just thought I'd ask if we're making any progress towards a 3.2 tarball to test. No pressure, just curious :-)

What I would like to know is what is going to happen in respect of the
changes to the module importer for mod_python.publisher.

I accept that it may solve some of the module importer problems as they
apply to mod_python.publisher, but as I raised as an issue once before
it introduces yet another way of modules being imported. This means you
have the "import" statement, "apache.import_module()" and now
"mod_python.publisher.get_page()". This could cause a lot of confusion
and result in even more questions on the mailing list about import
problems with there being no simple answer.

The last time I raised this there was some support for deferring any
changes to module importing to the version after 3.2. This was in part
to avoid introducing a solution which would probably get discarded with
the next version if "apache.import_module()" were to be fixed properly.
Yes it meant persisting with the problems of "apache.import_module()"
for a while more, but at least the issues are known.

Anyway, the current mod_python.publisher code is still using this new
module importer.

Can some one say definitively what the plans are in this area.


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