On Sat, Aug 13, 2005 at 10:29:54AM +0200, Graham Leggett wrote:
> The idea of canonicalising the name is sound, but munging them into an 
> added :80 and an added ? is really ugly - these are not the kind of URLs 
> that an end user would understand at a glance if they had to see them 
> listed.

An end-user should never see these keys, the only place they are visible
to any user is the semi-binary mod_disk_cache files. An administrator
would have to really know what they're doing to find them, or be using
htcacheadmin - once I finish that, and if it gets accepted. 

> Is it possible to remove the :80 if the scheme is https, and remove the 
> :443 if the scheme is https:? What is the significance of the added "?"?

The "?" isn't me, that's current mod_cache behaviour, so I left it

It doesn't have any significance except for avoiding an extra condition.
r->args is part of the key aswell, it just happens to have been NULL in
those examples.

Either way, doing as you suggest is trivial, but is there really a point
adding more conditions? Any tool which does inspect the cache files can
clean it up for presentation to the administrator.

Colm MacCárthaigh                        Public Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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