"Jem Berkes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Well there's also another problem. RFC 2821 (SMTP) doesn't define a
>> particular message format for SMTP (in wide use there the RFC 822 and
>> MIME message formats). I don't think that mod_smtpd should assume a  RFC
>> 822 or MIME message format since its strictly a SMTP module,  that's why
> I agree with this

Now I'm confused; 2821 S-2.3.1 defines "SMTP content" as headers + body.
What am I overlooking?

>> I still think header parsing should be in another module.  Of course
>> this module is free to register itself as an mod_smtpd  filter and do
>> what it needs to do, but it shouldn't be part of the  main mod_smtpd.

If you put in into a separate module, that means there will be no hooks
which can expect the headers to be in r->headers_in.  So every hook that
needs them will need to parse it themselves, which seems absolutely redundant.

Furthermore it is a requirement (MUST) for a 2821 compliant server
to implement loop detection.  That means at least one hook will *always*
care about the Received: headers, for every smtp transaction.  Why you
wouldn't want to provide an API for hook authors to use for inspecting
headers, seems like a very spartan choice,  which IMO is counter to the
spirit of httpd.

Joe Schaefer

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