This patch allows one to override the values of some headers so that they
"vary" to the same value.

Config Example:

#all lines that have gzip set one variable
SetEnvIf Accept-Encoding gzip gzip=1

#browsers that have problems with gzip
BrowserMatch "MSIE [1-3]" gzip=0
BrowserMatch "MSIE [1-5].*Mac" gzip=0
BrowserMatch "^Mozilla/4\.0[678]" gzip=0

CacheOverrideHeader Accept-Encoding gzip
CacheOverrideHeader User-Agent gzip

This would allow all browsers that send "Accept-Encoding: gzip" and do not
match the BrowserMatches to be mapped to the same cache object.  All the
other variants would point to another object.  This would be very useful in
reverse proxy caches.

Only patched mod_disk_cache, but mod_mem_cache should be trivial.

Attachment: override2.patch
Description: Binary data

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