--On August 18, 2005 9:24:57 AM +0100 Colm MacCarthaigh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 03:17:41PM -0700, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> Content definitely should not be served from the cache after it has
> expired imo. However I think an approach like;
>    if((now + interval) > expired) {
>        if(!stat(tmpfile)) {
>        update_cache_from_backend();
>    }
>    }
> ie "revalidate the cache content after N-seconds before it is due to be
> expired" would have the same effect, but avoid serving stale content.
> Does that make sense?

Um, isn't that what we already do?  -- justin

No :-) Right now, once the cache entity stops being considered fresh,
each worker that gets a request will fetch it, store it to their own
tmpfile and race to be first to rename it.

With the above approach, there could be some kind of user-configurable
interval before expiry, say 10 minutes in this example. So, the first
request that happens within that 10 minute interval would re-validate
the cache entity.

If it doesn't need to be fetched and gets a not-modified, we just
"touch" the cache entity and go on our merry way.

If it does need to be fetched then a deterministic tmpfile ensures that
no other worker bothers to fetch it at the same time, they can serve
from the cache in the meantime - which still hasn't expired.

If after the 10 minutes the content still isn't there, the user should
have set a better value for "interval", and we've no choice but to start
fetching the content per-request until something writes a cache file.

Okay.  I see what you mean now.

If the interval is configurable via a directive, then yes that makes sense. This could be done independently of deterministic tempfiles. (I hope this means you volunteer to write the patch!)

However, using deterministic tempfiles means that there's a possibility of a 'deadlock' - in that a response will never be updated because of a stuck or dead process. I've not seen a feasible strategy to resolve this issue.

In the case of fetching before expiration, the 'lock' can be 'advisory' - after expiration, it can fall back to the current case. -- justin

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