--On August 24, 2005 4:21:38 PM +0100 Nick Kew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So, is it time we introduced a general-purpose apr_http_client?
I'd be prepared to offer my code as a startingpoint, but I'd rather
not take the driving seat for further development and documentation.

We already went down this road with serf and it eventually got booted by the APR PMC and the HTTP Server PMC refused to consider adding an HTTP client library. ("We don't do clients. Go away.")

Serf, which uses APR, lives on here:

SVN: <http://svn.webdav.org/repos/projects/serf/trunk>

serf-dev lists: <http://mailman.webdav.org/mailman/listinfo/serf-dev>

Serf does async, SSL, deflate (gzip *and* deflate!), pipelining, etc. It's licensed under ALv2. For those coming from httpd-land, a lot of it will make sense. It uses apr_pollset, so it gets KEvent/epoll for free.

FWIW, we created the serf-dev mailing list only after Greg and I got tired of trading private emails; alas, neither one of us have had mailing list discussions since we created it. -- justin

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