
First of all, thanks for your reply, I was looking forward to having
mod_mbox's original author comments !

> It crashes Safari (Mac OS X 10.4.x) when I try to select a message
> in the list when I already have a message open.  Ouch!

Ok, if it crashes it means we won't have any debugging information. If
you have a couple of minutes today on IRC, can we make step by step
debugging ? I'll add alert box in the toggleMessage() function, and
you'll tell me where it crashes so I can isolate the problem.

> With Firefox (Deer Park Alpha 2), it works.

It seems to work perfectly with any version of Firefox (tested from
1.0.4). Unfortunately that's only 20~30% of the browsers.

> The subject summaries in 'Message List' doesn't list the month - it
> just says 'Monday 01, 11:03:35' - I really think we need to emit the
> month there.  (Yes, it's on the top, but that's easy to miss.)

I just changed that yesterday evening because I find that the date is
too long in the message list, especially with lower resolutions. What
would you like to see there ?

Tuesday 12 April 2005, 14:29:51 (very, very long)
Tue, 12 Apr 2005, 14:29:51 (like RFC822 dates but without the GMT stuff)
12 April 2005, 14:29:51
Tue, 12 Apr, 14:29
... or any other combination you like. I must admit I don't know which
one to choose here :P

> What is the pattern for the 'Message List' for showing the next
> messages in the sequence?  I'm not sure how many messages it is
> trying to show - it doesn't seem consistent to me.

What do you call the "pattern" ? If you are referring to the paging
system, in date and author sort, 100 messages per page are
displayed. In thread sort, 42 full threads are shown (this explain why
you often have less pages in threaded mode than in date sort).

> One feature I like is having the 'Site Index' link - this is in
> mod_mbox trunk.  How about having the 'Mailing list archives' also
> having a 'site index' link so you can view what other archives are
> present fro that site.

Since this feature is actually in trunk/, you've said it, it will be
backported. I just don't considerer it as a key feature for the
moment. It's been an almost non-stop work+sleep+work+eat+sleep+work
session since I'm back home, and I had more important features to code
before this one :)

I looked at your recent changes to mod_mbox, and I value them.

> I agree with Garrett that having the 'next' and 'prev' links should
> also appear at the *bottom* of the message - this is so that when
> you read the message, you can then click to read the next message in
> the thread w/o scrolling up.
> Most critically, I think the 'next' and 'prev', and numbered links
> can become confusing when trying to read a message.  If you want to
> read the next message in the thread - clicking the 'message list'
> 'next'/'prev' links brings you out.  So, finding some way to resolve
> that to make it clearer for the user - perhaps merely adding
> prev/next message in 'message view' list would be good. Or, have
> some way of hiding (or disabling) the list navigation when we have a
> message view active.

We are still talking about the AJAX browsing interface, eh ? If yes,
there is currently no message navigation in the message view. I agree
with your comments, and these links will be added soon. Also, please
notice that prev/next links will only be able to go through the
currently loaded page. I can eventually make the last 'Next' click
load the next page if it exists, but it won't be possible to load the
first message of this new page directly (blame the first 'A' of AJAX

> But, again, it looks a lot better than what we have today.  Cool.
> -- justin

- Sam

Maxime Petazzoni (http://www.bulix.org)
 -- gone crazy, back soon. leave message.

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