Thanks for your answer. Now I understand what the max means. 
However the errors occured again. I don't know if the error shows a
bug or just my configuration error, so I sent to dev list.

I used worker MPM. 

ThreadLimit     600
<IfModule worker.c>
StartServers         4
MaxClients         24000
ServerLimit     50
MinSpareThreads      1000
MaxSpareThreads      2000
ThreadsPerChild     600
MaxRequestsPerChild  0
ListenBackLog   3000
MaxRequestsPerChild  0

ProxyPass /jspdir ajp://localhost:8009/jspdir max=10

My TOMCAT configuration: 
    <Connector port="8009" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"
               maxThreads="8000" minSpareThreads="4000" maxSpareThreads="8000"
               acceptCound="50000" enableLookups="false"
redirectPort="8443" protocol="AJP/1.3"
               tomcatAuthentication = "false" />

So the max connections httpd created should be 50 * 10 = 500, however
TOMCAT threads are 8000. So why these errors happened? (Apache errors
happened first, then TOMCAT errors).

Thx, Xuekun

> Apart from the fact that I think that these questions belong to the users 
> list:
> max ensures that not more then max connections get created *per* Apache child 
> process.
> So the questions are
> 1. What MPM do you use?
> 2. What is your setting for ServerLimit?
> Provided that you use the worker MPM the maximum number of total connections
> httpd creates is max * ServerLimit.
> Regards
> RĂ¼diger

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