Mladen Turk wrote:
> Well, seems that those two functions are called before pre_config even
> from Apache 1.3, so seems that functions are called, not stored.
> This implicates that your patch for balancer *should* move external
> hook loading in the pre_config, and that the hook in balancer is
> declared in register_hooks table.

Also, as mentioned, register_hooks must be assumed to be primary,
since it is there that hooks such as pre_config are defined.
For some reason, it looks like in your setup, the ordering is
all wrong, or, at least, the normal and expected behavior
due to the double config read isn't cleared out as required.

> BTW, when you are testing those patches on nix, do you use static or
> dynamic modules?

Both. Plus, as I said, Bill Rowe also tested under Win32 and
got no errors at all. 

   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
                     "Sith happens"  -  Yoda

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