Brad Nicholes wrote:
   I think we all agree that all of the backporting and sync'ing sucks
but I don't see any other way of doing this.  At some point 2.2 has to
branch, stabilize and finally release.  In a perfect world releasing 2.2
would happen immediately after branching it so that no backporting or
sync'ing would be required.  The problem is that the world we are in
isn't even close to perfect.  So in order to minimize the pain, we
should be putting our efforts into stabilizing and releasing 2.2.  Then
hopefully and within a reasonable time period, the 2.0 branch will just
fade away so that we don't have to worry about it much any more.

My opinion is that you could get the same effect while keeping head as the source of 2.2 until much closer to a final release. Just say that anything major should be developed on a temporary branch and not on head until 2.2 is released and we move head to 2.3/2.4. That puts the backporting/merging weight on the people who want to expiriment, rather than putting it on people who want to bug fix and stabilize.


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