
It's been one month that my SoC project is now over. I even received
the money from Google. Thanks again to all of you for your help and
support during the summer.

For now, I would really like to see something moving around
mod_mbox. I did not get any news from the httpd-mbox-search guy, nor
from my vote about merging my changes to mod_mbox's trunk.

So, what's up ? Have my changes been reviewed ? Or at least tested ?

Please note that I plan to merge my changes myself on Saturday,
October 1st (one month after the SoC deadline, 100 days after SoC
begining). I really want to see this stuff setup and available to
m-a.a.org users.

Thanks for your attention,
- Sam

Maxime Petazzoni (http://www.bulix.org)
 -- gone crazy, back soon. leave message.

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