I note that mod_mbox now produces Atom 1.0 feeds.  Excellent!

 = = =

There is a feedvalidator that can be used to identify areas of improvement.


The highest priority is to make sure that the encoding is correct.  As
it currently stands, many of these feeds are not well formed XML,
meaning that they will be rejected by conformant XML parsers.  Fixing
this will improve the usability of the HTML pages.

An outline of what needs to be done can be found here:


This is in Ruby.  I can translate to C any portions you may have
questions on.

 = = =

There also is a minor issue regarding canonicalization.  Also, email
addresses should be split out from the name (I'll go fix the
feedvalidator to issue warnings on this).

Finally, it is clear that the authors of mod_mbox know a thing or two
about CSS.  Such techniques can also be applied to feeds.  Take a look
at mine for an example, which I am sure you can improve on:


- Sam Ruby

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