And frankly it's about damn time.  There are a variety of corporate
product deployments still using various bastardized versions of the
apache 1.3 tree.  It's disgusting the number of security holes that
these often latent-version derivatives induce without any kind of
secondary access controls implemented by default.

Further, hopefully the true EOL will force some of our development
colleagues *cough* to focus more attention onto optimizing module
integrations for efficient usage of the 2.0 and beyond infrastructure.

While I am at it...  is much being looked at for optimization under GCC
4.1 in future releases?  Thinking specifically in terms of optimizing
algorithmic methods / looping for vectorized execution given the
industry's move towards multi-path programming and execution models.  At
present we have moved from SMP to environments where we are looking at
dual-core and even now (with some of the server platforms being
developed using the cell processor) "true" vectorized execution.

Wayne S. Frazee
"Ita erat quando hic adventi."


Help is always welcome, but as we approach 2.2 (meaning 2.0-final), we
draw closer and closer to EOL for Apache 1.3 support.  Sure, it will
probably be still supported for security holes (considering all the very
interesting oddball architectures that aren't supported by our libtool
friends) - but will it be any more frequent than 1x to 2x a year?
Not likely :)


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