Thank you everyone for testing, especially the infrateam for picking
this up on Ajax and really stressing it under mod_mbox (in spite of
a few more fixes required to mbox's mime processing :)

Although the site is updated, starting the clock on the announce till
early tomorrow aftn (america time) so that our proxies start to catch up.

FYI I staged, did not svn up the 1.3.34 announce site work for Jim's
behalf - so we are 1/2 there.

Docs team; feel free to ressurect or add Announcement2.0.txt/.html.lang,
and even Announcement1.3.txt/.html.lang - the security notes in 2.0 I'm
sure are quite a bit of work to translate.  These are all in the repository.  You're
also welcome to work up Announcement2.1-beta.txt/.html.lang if you like.

Note I've eliminated the Announcement's "German and Japanese
translations are available" - and rather indicate that additional
translations may become available so that users bother to check,
should they require a native translation.


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