On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, Philip W. Dalrymple III wrote:

I am have a tough time getting cookies read from a request header. I am

FC4 (updated to best current)
httpd (apache) 2.0.54-10.2 (rpm from fedora)
apr 0.9.6-3.1 (rpm from fedora)
mod_perl 2.0.1-1.fc4 (again rpm from fedora)
Most current Apache2 and APR modules updated from CPAN.

I can set the cookie without problems and see it in the browser as the
correct string (the cookie is a simple string with only hex digits and
one dash for example 35-4b3b65c6539f170cfd46168c5). when I use the code

        my $sess = 'Not Set';
       my  $chash = APR::Request::Apache2->handle($r)->jar();
       if($chash->{"ipm_s_$db"}) {
               $sess = $chash->{"ipm_s_$db"};
to get the cookie from the session ($db is correct) I get, in the
error log

/usr/sbin/httpd: symbol lookup
 undefined symbol: apreq_handle_apache2

Can someone give me a pointer to what I am doing wrong here.

Do you have a
   LoadModule apreq_module modules/mod_apreq2.so
in your httpd.conf? Note that the "2" in mod_apreq2.so.

best regards,
randy kobes

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