* Florian Zumbiehl wrote:

> The whole point is I don't do compression because of any _clients'_
> connections, but because of the _server's_ connection! If the server's
> connection usually is far slower than the client's connection (like
> with a server behind a V.90 modem, which would be 33.6 kb/s upstream
> with considerable latency), it (1) would be faster for the vast majority
> of clients to get an uncompressed copy from their ISP's cache rather than
> a compressed one from the original server and (2) even if it wasn't, it
> still might save traffic and thus money for the server operator.

If I do understand correctly, you say, that not compressing the content 
saves bandwidth? Well then turn off mod_deflate and you're done. No need to 
change anything here, IMHO.

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# André Malo # http://pub.perlig.de/ #

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