On Nov 7, 2005, at 3:03 PM, Ruediger Pluem wrote:
Just checking if I understood things correctly:

If I have a forward proxy to which I limit access via IP based access control I should add Cache-Control: private to any response I get back from the backend
(either a Remote Proxy or the origin server).

No, access control on a forward proxy has nothing to do with
cache-control.  Cache-control is defined by the origin server.

This response would not be cached by mod_cache unless I overwrite it with
CacheStorePrivate on.

If I set CacheStorePrivate to on the reponse gets cached by mod_cache,

Yes, though I would hope that you would set that within a
Location directive specific to a given set of URIs.

but the next request for this (fresh) resource will not check the
access control and
deliver it to any client, regardless of the IP. Correct?

The forward proxy would deliver it to any client that had the
ability to GET from that proxy.


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