On Sun, Nov 13, 2005 at 12:25:46PM +0000, Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:
> The APR_FIND_APR (and _APU) macro hunts for an installed apr with the
> specified major version number, but then later we use APACHE_CHECK_APxVER 
> to insist on a minor version too.
> Wouldn't it make more sense for the APR_FIND_APR macro to only return
> aprs of the minimum version we will use anyway?
> The current behaviour can lead to problems; If a user has apr 1.0 or 1.1
> installed in any of the places the macro looks, httpd will be
> unbuildable, and the only way to fix it is to manually install apr >=
> 1.2. 

I think this is actually fairly sensible default behaviour.

If you've got an existing standalone apr 1.x install in one of the 
standard locations, configure should attempt to use it or fail if it's 
an unsuitable version.  It would be surprising behaviour for httpd to 
silently ignore the existing apr and install *another* copy of APR 1.x - 
possibly in a different $prefix to the existing copy.


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