On Thu, Dec 01, 2005 at 04:06:37AM -0600, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> Ok, but did you try installing into a tree that has, say, a fink port of
> svn based on apr 1.0 or 1.1?  We are (mostly) talking about where httpd
> is finding stale APR versions related to non-httpd packages.  (Non-httpd,
> because httpd never has shipped anything but alphas based on 1.0 or 1.1.)

But are there any of these that we know of? fink's apr is 0.9 ;


and its svn depends on that too. This has got to affect a vanishly small
user base of people who know what they're doing :)

Colm MacCárthaigh                        Public Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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