On 12/08/2005 11:59 AM, Matthias Behrens wrote:


> thats a pretty good feature but something that would really kick ass would
> be if the proxy would know the cpu-load of every balanceserver
> is it possible you could hand the cpuload throu an extra header and restore
> it to zere if <timeout> secounds without requests

This is possible. You can write your own modules that provide the load balancing
meachanism as a provider. Thus you can provide a lb provider that somehow gets
this information from the backend and uses it for its lb decisions.


> a first step that would be very cool also would be if i could cofigure a
> server to be used for n% of all requests and change this % while runtime. so
> if a server is running wild cause of a script that is using 100% cpu for
> endless (which happens pretty often here) i could lower his loadbalancing %
> to 1% so he would not get to much requests.

You can already do this. See



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