Brad Nicholes wrote:

>   You're not really serious about this are you?  It is a little
> premature to rename something  to 'd' that is still very much 'httpd'.
> Get the code in place first and then see if it makes sense to worry
> about trivial things like renaming the binary.

While I don't have vote rights, I have an idea for a compromise that
will reflect the opinions of both sides:

Since Ryan Bloom wrote his mod_pop3 as a proof of concept (where the
"concept" was the independence of Apache on specific protocol, though -
to be more precise - it still depended on HTTPD), several other non-
HTTP protocols were implemented (mod_ftpd and mod_smtpd, to name the
main ones).

While the Apache server does support the ability to code such modules,
it neither CONTAINS them, nor IMPLEMENTS them, but only the HTTP
protocol. You can't omit the "httpd" name from a server as long as all
it does (ignoring 3rd party modules and external ones) is HTTP.

Once these modules are integrated into the Apache server, such a rename
will make a lot of sense.

And I want to use this opportunity to pass a message from me and other
Apache users/developers/integrators I know: PLEASE consider the
integration of these modules (ftpd and smtpd) into Apache, at least for
the "experimental" directory. the current status is anomal for FTP:
Proxying it is supported (mod_proxy_ftp), but the original service is
not. And regarding smtpd: if mod_mbox will be integrated, its
combination with mod_smtpd creates an end-to-end messaging solution,
which is a great thing, at least IMHO.

I don't see how inclusion of non-HTTP modules in the experimental
directory, with a default exclusion from builds, will break anything,
especially when the claim is that the Apache server is not HTTP-centric
anymore, and especially^2 when this claim is followed by considering
the rename from "httpd" to "d".

Thanks for taking the time to read me,
Eli Marmor
Netmask (El-Mar) Internet Technologies Ltd.
Tel.:   +972-9-766-1020          8 Yad-Harutzim St.
Fax.:   +972-9-766-1314          P.O.B. 7004
Mobile: +972-50-5237338          Kfar-Saba 44641, Israel

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