While reading the code of ap_http_chunk_filter I wondered myself if there is bug
in the handling of flush buckets in ap_http_chunk_filter. Maybe I just do not
understand correctly the way ap_http_chunk_filter works.

Lets assume the following brigade as input to ap_http_chunk_filter:

Pos     Type    Length
0       Heap    10
1       Flush   0
2       Heap    10

To be honest, I am not quite sure if this assumption can occur.

As far as I undestand we would leave the inner for loop with
bytes set to 20 and flush set to the flush bucket at pos 1 of the brigade
But the result of the "if (bytes > 0)" block would be the following brigade:

Pos     Type            Length  Contents
0       Immortal                Length of chunk (20 bytes) including CRLF
1       Heap            10
2       Immortal                CRLF (end of chunk)
3       Flush           0
4       Heap            10

But this would be wrong, as

- the length of the chunk is wrong (it is only 10)
- The 10 bytes from heap bucket 4 do not get correctly chunk encoded

If I see things correctly the following patch should fix this:

Index: chunk_filter.c
--- chunk_filter.c      (Revision 356370)
+++ chunk_filter.c      (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@
             if (APR_BUCKET_IS_FLUSH(e)) {
                 flush = e;
+                more = apr_brigade_split(b, APR_BUCKET_NEXT(e));
+                break;
             else if (e->length == (apr_size_t)-1) {
                 /* unknown amount of data (e.g. a pipe) */



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