On 12/17/05, Christian Parpart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What I need is a way to install a hook within the apache
> server process that gets invoked ASAP(!) the client connection
> of interest has been aborted (mostly by client side).

if a module is busy handling the request (e.g., long-running CGI, or
forwarded to some application server and is awaiting a response),
Apache has no idea when the client aborts the connection...  there's
nothing to hook into...

if we're in core code handling I/O, network-layer filter will find out
ASAP, [should] set c->aborted, and return; presumably no other
software would delay notification of this

>Apache already has a big I/O dispatching loop, so, is there maybe
>something I can hook me in to?

not generally

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