On 12/20/2005 09:15 PM, Brian Akins wrote:
> In my random tests I discovered something:
> We do not want to close connection to client if the proxy request is a
> sub-request.  We somehow have to flag an error in that case, but we do
> not want to kill entire connection.

I guess this is technically possible, but is it really useful? The
subrequest returns an incomplete response and thus could make the whole
response invalid. But maybe I just miss the correct usecase for this. So
could you please explain me where thisbit you?
But you pointed me to an interesting thing: If the main response is
T-E chunked and the backend error happened during the subrequest, the
chunked filter may sometimes add the last-chunk marker (if the brigade
containing the error bucket does *not* contain and eos bucket) and
sometimes not (if the brigade containing the error bucket does contain
an eos bucket).
In the case that the broken backend happend on the main request the brigade
always contains both buckets as they both get added to the brigade. But in
the subrequest case I guess the eos bucket (of the subrequest) gets removed
and the main request adds its own one later and maybe to a different brigade
then the error bucket.
I am even getting unsure if the brigade always contains error and eos bucket
in the main request case, as there might happen an brigade split on the way
to the chunk filter. Does anybody know if this can happen?



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